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Q21) Find the missing term in the series :  1/4 , 9/16, 25/36, 49/64, _____

1) 0.76                         2) 0.68                         3) 0.81                         4) None of these

Q22) Find the missing term in the series :  0, 3, 8, 15, 24______

1) 30                            2) 31                            3) 35                            4) None of these

Q23) In a certain code language, if ‘Sun is bright’ is coded as 256, ‘Rose is Red’ is coded as 785 and ‘Red is bright’ is coded as 257, then how is “bright Sun is Rose Red” coded in that language?

1) 26517                      2) 26583                      3) 26587                      4) 24587

Q24) Select the alternative that logically follows from the two given statements:

  1. I) All rats are elephants II) Some elephants are lions

(1) Some rats are lions           (2) No rat is a lion       (3) All rats are lions    (4) None

Q25) Find the missing term in the analogy: 1 : 4 : : 25 : ?

1) 27                            2) 29                            3) 30                            4) 36

Q26) How is my mother’s sister’s brother’s wife’s child related to me?

1) Brother                   2) Uncle                       3) Cousin                     4) Nephew

Q27) Find the missing term in the series : ABY, CDW, EFU, GHS, _____

1) IJK                            2) IJR                           3) IKP                           4) IJQ

Q28) Six people A, B, C, D, E and F sit around a hexagonal table, not necessarily in the same order. A sits diagonally opposite to B, D and F. C sits diagonally opposite to E, B and D. If B sits diagonally opposite to A, C and F, then who sits to the immediate right of B?

1) A                              2) B                              3) C                              4) Can’t be determined

Q29) Five planes P, Q, R, S and T arrive at an airport at different intervals. P comes immediately after S and T but P is not the last one to arrive. Which plane comes last to the airport?

1) R                              2) Q                             3) T                              4) Can’t be determined.


Q30) Four trains A, B, C and D depart from a railway station with an interval of 1 hour each between any two consecutive trains. C leaves at 12 noon which is the third to depart from the station. Train D departs last. At what time does train A depart from the station if it is not the first/last to depart?

1) 10 A.M                    2) 1 P.M                      3) 11 A.M                    4) Can’t be determined.

Q31) The time shown in a clock is 8.30 AM. In what direction is the hour’s hand pointing?

1) South                       2) West                        3) South-West             4) North

Q32) Find the missing term in the following analogy: 25 : 5 : : 36 : ?

1) 30                            2) 25                            3) 20                            4) 6

Q33) What is the maximum number of identical cubes a cube can be cut into by 6 cuts?

1) 8                              2) 27                            3) 32                            4) 64

Q34) How is my mother’s brother’s only sibling’s son related to me?

1) Uncle                       2) Cousin                     3) Nephew                   4) Brother

Q35) E’s father’s only brother’s son’s wife’s brother-in-law is related to E as

1) Sister                       2) Cousin                     3) Brother                   4) Can’t be determined

Q36) Select the alternative that logically follows from the two given statements:

  1. I) Some watches are Rados II) Some Rados are not good

(1) Some watches are not good                      (2) No watch is a good

(3) Some watches are Rados                          (4) None

Q37) In a certain code language, if the word EQUATION is coded as TIONEQUA and FICKLE is coded as KLEFIC, then how is the word INTRODUCTION coded in that language?


Q38) In a survey of 150 readers it has been found that 75 read newspaper A, 90 read newspaper B and 70 read newspaper C. 40 read A and B; 35 read B and C; 30 read A and C and 10 read all the three How many respondents read none of the newspapers?

1) 30                            2) 20                            3) 10                            4) 0

Q39) In a survey of 150 readers it has been found that 75 read newspaper A, 90 read newspaper B and 70 read newspaper C. 40 read A and B; 35 read B and C; 30 read A and C and 10 read all the three.  If so how many read exactly two newspaper

1) 75                            2) 105                          3) 95                            4) 85

Q40) In a survey of 150 readers it has been found that 75 read newspaper A, 90 read newspaper B and 70 read newspaper C. 40 read A and B; 35 read B and C; 30 read A and C and 10 read all the three.  If so How many read exactly one newspaper

1) 35                            2) 55                            3)235                           4) 120

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