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Quantitative Aptitude Questions & Answers – Paper 1

quantitive aptitude keypaper

Q1. There are two inlet pipes to a tank, one taking 8 minutes and the other taking 12 minutes to fill the tank. Find the capacity of the tank if for every second 5 gallons of water is pumped into the tank by the two taps.

1) 1600 gallons                       2) 1440 gallons           3) 1200 gallons                       4) None

Q2. A pen costs 20% more than a book. A pencil costs 20% less than that of a pen. By what percentage the price of a pencil is less than that of the book?

1) 8%                           2) 9%                           3) 4%                           4) 6%

Q3. A man sold a smart phone at 12% profit. Had he sold it for Rs.2400 more, he would have gained 18%. What is the cost price of the smart phone?

1) Rs.4000                   2) Rs.40,000                3) Rs.3,000                  4) Rs.30,000

Q4. If the time shown in the mirror is 4:40, then what is the actual time?

1) 8:20                         2) 7:20                         3) 8:40                         4) None

Q5. If 23A7463 is a seven digit number which is exactly divisible by 11, then find the value of A?

1) 7                              2) 6                              3) 5                              4) None

Q6. What is the ratio of a cylinder, a hemisphere and a cone when they stand on the same base and have the same heights?

1) 1:2:3                        2) 1:3:2                        3) 3:2:1                        4) 2:1:3

Q7. 15 Software Engineers can complete 35 projects  in 7 days. How many Engineers can complete 65 projects  in 5 days?

1) 13                            2) 39                            3) 45                            4) 6

Q8. 24 red colored balls, 42 green colored balls and 60 white colored balls are to be placed in boxes such that the number of balls in each box are equal and of same color. Find the minimum number of boxes required to place the balls?

1) 6                              2) 15                            3) 21                            4) None

 Q9. The area of a square field is 25 sqm. What is the cost of fencing it at the rate of Rs.600 per meter?

1) Rs.12,000                            2) Rs.1200                   3) Rs.120                                 4) None

Q10. ‘A’ lends to ‘B’ a sum of Rs.5000 at the rate of 5% per annum for 4 years, after 2 years ‘B’ lends the same money to ‘C’ at the rate of 12% per annum for 2 years. How much did B gain in the above transaction?

1) Rs.200                     2) Rs.400                     3) Rs.500                     4) None

Q11. A man takes 2 hours while walking at a speed of 4kmph.What time does he take while cycling the same distance but at a speed of 8 kmph?

1) 40 min.                    2) 45 min.                    3) 60 min.                    4) 75 min

Q12. In a race, Joe Dep scored 75% of points in Race – Down Track out of 80 points and 25% points in Race – Up Country out of 20 points . What percentage of Points did Joe Dep scored in two Races?

1) 66.6%                      2) 65.0%                      3) 52.5%                      4) None

Q13. The population of a city is 1 Crore in the year 2014.There is an increase of 20% and 15% in the population of fe male and male respectively in the year 2015.Find the male population in the year 2015 if there is an increase of 18% in the total:

1) 60 lakhs                   2) 70 lakhs                   3) 72 lakhs                   4) None

Q14. A seller has two varieties of Atta costing Rs.25 per kg and 50 per kg. In what ratio he can mix these two in order to gain a 10% while selling the mix at Rs.33 per kg.

1) 1:4                           2) 4:1                           3) 2:1                           4) None

Q15. A does 1/4th of a work in 5 days and B does 1/3 rd of the same work in 10 days. In how many days both A and B together can do the work?

1) 12 days                    2) 15 days                    3) 20 days                    4) None

Q16. A train covers a certain distance in 6 hours, if it runs at a speed of 50 kmph. At what speed it has to run if the journey time is decreased to 5 hours.

1) 60 kmph                  2) 55 kmph                  3) 37.5kmph                4) None

Q17. By selling 120 oranges, seller gains the cost price of 30 oranges. What is his gain percentage?

1) 25%                         2) 20%                         3) 35%                         4) 30%

Q18. Ten years ago, B was twice the age of A. If the ratio of their present ages is 2:3, then what is the present age of A?

1) 10years                   2) 20 years                  3) 30 years                  4) None

Q19. The average weight of  a 40 member Trumpo Troup is 60 kgs. If Mr. Dorje joins the troup, then the weight of each person increases by 500 grams. What is the weight of Mr. Dorje?

1) 90 kgs                      2) 100 kgs                    3) 110 kgs                    4) None

Q20. A, B and C rented a pasture. A puts 60 sheep for 15days. B puts 40 sheep for 20days and C puts 60 sheep for 40days. If the total rent paid for the pasture is Rs. 41,000 then how much should C pay?

1) Rs.24,000                2) Rs.32,000                3) Rs.40,000                4) None

Key Paper

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Ans 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 4 1
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