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Selenium with C# Online Training

Become master in Software testing with our Prime Training.
1086 ratings
Course Duration

30 Days

Training Options


Course Overview

Selenium Automation Testing with C#
QEdgeTech has however taken a step ahead in this region by offering well classified Selenium Training in Hyderabad and has turned out be the best selenium training in ameerpet.

Operating its roots for providing Selenium Training in Bangalore, we have thus worked on an all round offering of complete core C# concepts for Selenium course along with Placement Assistance.

Training Options

Online Training

  • Live demonstration of of features and practicals.
  • Get LMS access of each selenium with c# online training session that you attend through GotoMeeting.
  • Gain guidance on certification.
  • Attend a Free Demo before signing up.

Selenium with C# Course Content


  • Introduction
  • Preview
  • Introduction to automation framework
  • Types of automation testing frameworks
  • Understanding automation model
  • Presentation on Framework Introduction
  • Presentation on Kinds of framework

Designing Automation framework

  • Introduction to Framework Design
  • Discussion on Framework Design
  • Preview
  • Pre-requisite before designing framework
  • Creating framework structure with Visual studio 2015 (Part a)
  • Creating framework structure with Visual studio 2015 (Part b)
  • Presentation on Framework Design

Developing Base Component

  • Introduction to Framework Development
  • Pre-requisite of Framework Development
  • Writing a simple code with Selenium
  • Page Object Models
  • Page Object Model (Simplified) with an abstract class
  • Preview
  • Handling Web Driver object with DriverContext
  • Page Navigation in Page Object Model
  • Page Navigation without Generics
  • Page Navigation with Generics in C#
  • Handling different browsers in framework
  • Summary

Developing Helper Components

  • Introduction
  • Excel Helper (Part a)
  • Excel Helper (Part b)
  • Log Helper (Part a)
  • Log Helper (Part b)
  • HTML Helper (Part a)
  • HTML Helper (Part b)
  • Crash course on C# Extension methods
  • Database Extension Helper (Part a)
  • Database Extension Helper (Part b)
  • Summary

Developing Config Component

  • Introduction
  • Configuration Development classical way
  • Preview
  • Configuration Development (Part a)
  • Configuration Development (Part b)
  • Summary

Developing Extension Component

  • Introduction
  • Web Element Extension
  • Web Element Extension (Contd)
  • Web Driver Extension
  • Summary


  • Introduction
  • Let’s Talk about it
  • Preview
  • Initializing test using TestInitializeHook class
  • Initializing test using TestInitializeHook class (Contd)

Behavioral Driven Development (BDD)

  • Introduction to BDD and Specflow
  • What are we going to discuss
  • Specflow Installation and getting started
  • Adding Step definitions and creating BaseStep class
  • Preview
  • Adding additional steps for step definitions
  • Adding Specflow Hooks for our HookInitialize Class
  • Adding additional Scenario and reusing existing step definitions
  • Creating Extended Steps in step definitions to empower step reuse
  • Resolving the problem with CurrentPage property across different steps
  • Database Testing with Specflow
  • Preview
  • Summary

Deployment of EmployeeApp v1.0 to IIS

  • Deployment of EmployeeApp v1.0 to IIS
  • Preview

Continuous Integration with TFS 2015

  • Continuous Integration with TFS 2015

Complete Framework with new libraries [On going development]

  • Update framework with support of multiple browser and Database helper update

Pickles Reporting System for Specflow

  • Pickles and living documentation for Specflow
  • Preview
  • Pickles UI for Specflow feature files an alternative to commandline

Advanced automation reporting and test harness system with EARS and EATS

  • Consuming ExecuteAutomation Reporting system web service
  • Running test and generating report via EARS

Automation Project using C# and Selenium

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